Meet with other credit union professionals from around Kentucky! Networks hold meetings on various topics within their field. All are welcome to join, share, and learn. League Networks have been formed to assist member credit unions in operational areas they may need help with or simply are seeking or sharing information about. Additional network information can be found in the Community Circles and on the event calendar.
Collections Network
The Collections Network is open to anyone who handles collections efforts at the credit union. This group meets to discuss credit union related issues and share best practices.
Compliance Network
The Compliance Network is open to anyone who handles compliance at the credit union. This group meets to discuss hot topics, ask questions, and learn from each other about the compliance risks that face credit unions.
HR Network
The HR Network is open to anyone who handles human resource matters at the credit union. This group meets to network, share ideas, practices and better the practice of human resources in the credit union.
Trainers Network
The Trainers Network is open to anyone who is responsible for training at the credit union. This group meets to discuss important training issues facing credit unions and share best practices.